Common Impact Data Standard Resources

How the Common Impact Data Standard was developed

The Common Impact Data Standard was released in collaboration with Mark Fox at the Centre for Social Services Engineering at the University of Toronto.

To create this standard, the Common Approach consulted with experts and aligned with other leading standards, such as the Impact Management Project (now housed at Impact Frontiers), which itself consulted with over 2000 impact professionals.

Following the norms identified by the Impact Management Project, the Common Impact Data Standard has defined the necessary objects and relationships to represent the who, what, how much, contribution and risk of impact. In addition to these five dimensions, the Common Impact Data Standard includes information on inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes (as would be in a program logic model or theory of change) to describe how the impact occurs.

An Ontology for Representing Social and Environmental Impact

The Common Impact Data Standard is an ontology designed to represent impact models (i.e., definition) and their impact (i.e., effect). It provides a common representation that allows social purpose organizations (SPO) to flexibly design impact models that are most relevant to them. The Common Impact Data Standard spans the five dimensions of impact: what, who, how much, contribution, and risk plus a sixth, how.

The Common Impact Data Standard and Impact Management Norms

To represent impact, the Common Impact Data Standard represents the Impact Management norms five dimensions of impact: what, who, how much, contribution and risk. These dimensions of impact ensure a complete articulation of the impact of those outcomes.

Definitions of Key Terms

Looking to better understand what data an aligned software can store and report at the Basic Tier? This mini-glossary of terms used in Version 2.1 of the Data Standard will help. 

There are also some terms for which the Common Approach has a specific definition, including “impact”, “impact measurement”, “outputs”, and “outcomes”. Find our definitions here.

The Impact Management Project glossary is also a great source for the various definitions of terms frequently used in reference to impact measurement.

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