Application and selection process
We are seeking at least 3 anchor organizations to engage and mobilize a network. Each anchor organization will be responsible for leading implementations within their networks. The purpose of the application and assessment process is to ensure the anchor organization, its network and network members are prepared to adopt the Common Approach standards and share data as required by the pilot objectives.
Stage 1: Confirm your eligibility.
Please carefully review the pilot details and description of who we are looking for. If you are still unsure, taking the Common Foundations self-assessment or attending an upcoming Introduction to the Common Approach Standards session online may help you confirm your interest in applying.
When you are ready to apply, please complete and submit the Expression of Interest Form for the Pathfinder Pilot.
Stage 2: Initial Screening
All eligible potential anchor organizations will be invited to submit more detailed information about their networks for review.
We will consider networks where there are potentially significant gaps to fill to get everyone’s self-assessments entirely to “yes” answers if we see the capability and commitment of Anchors and network members to see the Pilot through to completion.
Stage 3: Pre-pilot assessment
The final selection will balance the characteristics of individual networks with including diverse organizations and networks in the pilot. We aim to have a range of organizations in terms of size, geography, language of operation, populations served, types of social and environmental impacts measured, and maturity of impact measurement practices.
Stage 4: Pilot begins
Networks will be formally accepted to the pilot once the Common Approach is satisfied that there is a sufficiently detailed project plan and risk assessment in place to indicate that successful implementation is reasonably possible within the three-year timeframe.
Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until all project resources have been allocated. At least three networks will be selected. More may be included, depending on the size of networks that apply and the project durations.
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